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Not-A-Bookclub FAQ

Parenting for Equity​


1. What will I get out of this?


This series has three primary goals. 

  • Knowledge - To build, refresh and/or expand knowledge about inequity in the United States.  We will focus primarily of racial equity but also discuss other areas of inequity and link these ideas directly to our communities and our families.

  • Discussion and Community – The Parenting for Equity series also provides a comfortable space in which to learn, ask questions, hear from others on the same journey and connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Action – As individuals, it can be hard to decide how to act and where to start.  This series weaves ideas for action throughout each week and encourages participants to assess and identify their path forward.


2. How many people are in a group?


Each Not-A-Bookclub is limited to 20 people.


3.  What topics does this series cover?


What is equity?

What is race and racism?

What is a community ecosystem?

What is intersectionality?

What is parenting for equity?

How do children understand race and racism?

Every week also includes concrete actions to put equity at the center of our families and communities.


4.  What if I already know all this stuff?


You may already be on this path, either personally or in your work life.  While this series introduces some basic, but critical concepts, it also takes a close look at family life and parenting – a connection which is less common.  Moreover, learning is just one goal of this series.


5. How does it work?


Prior to our first meeting, you will receive an overview of the 5 weeks - including a Zoom link.  Prior to each discussion session, read/view at least one of the resources.  Come with questions, confusions, ideas and we'll tackle these in our discussion sessions.


6.  What if I can’t do all the readings?


This series is specifically designed with you in mind.  Each week will offer approximately 5 readings (or other resources). They are chosen so that participants can read or view one and still participate in the week’s discussion. If you’re having one of “those weeks” and you can’t get to any?  You are still welcome to join the discussion.


7. What if I can’t attend all classes?


Our discussions do not necessarily depend on the previous ones.  It is fine to miss a session and return the following week.  Regrettably, we cannot prorate the series fee for missed sessions.


8.  What if I disagree or see things differently?


Great!  Truly wonderful.  We will not always agree.  This series explores equity in the United States, but as we know, 10 people will have 15 opinions on any subject.  Discussion of the similarities and differences in our views is critical to healing our country.  We ask that all participants disagree respectfully – in accordance with our community guidelines (below).


9. What are the community guidelines?


Group Guidelines

  • Bring curiosity and listen with humility

  • Be aware of commonalties alongside differences. 

  • Respectful dialogue and respectful disagreement

  • Expect and accept non-closure

  • Confidentiality

  • Try on new perspectives – “Walk into Discomfort”

  • Zoom conversation – consider your “airtime”


10.  I'm not a parent/my children are no longer at home.  Can I still join?


Yes - this series provides a focus on equity and parenting and equity and the community.  It's also a good choice for people who work with families and people who hope to make community level change.

11. What is the cost for the Not-A-Bookclub and where do I sign up?


Ordinarily, the series costs $75.00.  The first series of 2021 is being offered at $60 with the coupon code Blog21.

Sign up here!


12. Do you offer this series to groups?


Yes – I offer this series (and others) for groups such as SEPACs, parenting groups, non-profit leadership, educators and more. Contact Liz for more information at


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