My most recent blog post is posted on my publisher, Lived Places Publishing, website... Here's an excerpt.
Advice in the Frozen Food Aisle
When my girls were little, I received all kinds of “helpful” feedback when at the grocery store. One warm spring morning, while really, really tired, I started my shopping with two kids in tow. Alice (age 4 1/2) was going through a “why” phase. Why does that need to be frozen? Why is that box that color? Why can’t we go home? Meanwhile, Alana (age 3), who had nicknamed herself “ACTION!,” was being … active. She’d run ahead, circle back, check in with me, dart in front of someone’s cart, grab something off the shelf, and put it down somewhere else. Honestly – I couldn’t keep up with either child and I must have sounded exasperated.
An older white man stopped me in the frozen food aisle and began to offer his thoughts. If I spoke more softly. If I came at a better time of day. If I had been better prepared. And then, the kicker.
...read the rest on the Lived Places Publishing website.